What are the hours of Starbucks® stores?

Store hours are available at each location and can also be found here.

Where can I find the closest Starbucks® store?

Use our Coffee House Locator to see all the Starbucks® Coffee houses in your area.

Can I order Starbucks® merchandise online?

There is no online store in Germany at the moment. Our products are only available directly at Starbucks® Coffee houses.

Does Starbucks® have coupons and gift cards?

You can purchase a Starbucks® gift card at any of our coffee houses. These can be credited with any amount up to a maximum of €150 at the store.

I've heard that Starbucks is committed to supporting local causes that benefit the community through donations and volunteers. How can I get help from Starbucks for a charity I support?

Community involvement is important to Starbucks®, and our Coffee Houses are happy to support events that benefit the public in any way we can. Please contact the management of your local coffee house to learn more.

I would like to work for Starbucks®. Where can I apply?

In order to properly process your application, we ask that you apply directly to one of the open positions on our platform at https://www.starbucks.de/de/karriere.

Can I do my thesis or dissertation at Starbucks®?

We appreciate your interest in our company. However, due to the number of enquiries that we receive, we are unable to respond to individual requests. All information that Starbucks currently releases for research purposes is available on our websites, www.starbucks.de or www.starbucks.com.

How do I open a franchise?

Unfortunately, we, the AmRest Coffee Deutschland, cannot issue licenses, so please send your proposal to [email protected]. Please include your current business details, contact information and proposed location.